October 1, 2020

Portrait of Love


Portrait of Love, by Roseanna M. White, brings The Codebreakers series to a conclusion.  Lily Blackwell, daughter of Captain Blackwell, has been secretly working with her father at England's Intelligence Division.  Zivon Marin, a Russian cryptographer who fled the horrors in his homeland, has also joined the team.  As you move forward on the pages of Portrait of Love, you will see all of the former characters of The CodeBreakers series work together in the infamous Room 40 to bring an end to the war!

As Lily works hard using her skills with photography, her feelings toward her new co-worker seem to move her in a direction she never expected.  You see Zivon trying to adjust to this new land, as he also must deal with great losses he has left behind in Russia.  When you witness Lily also experience an unexpected loss, you see Lily and Zivon drawn together in their mutual pain!

This tale becomes full of action, on the final pages, as you attempt to put all the pieces of this story together!

I received an e-copy of this book from Bethany House.  Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.