March 1, 2021

Court of Swans


Court of Swans, by Melanie Dickson, is a tale that takes place in the Middle Ages.  The year is 1381 and Delah fears her world is about to change in a very negative way.  Her father just died and her seven brothers have been accused of another murder and given a death sentence!

This is an interesting tale to follow as Delah attempts to find a way to save her brothers lives.  She teams up with Sir Geoffrey.  Geoffrey is an unlikely partner, as he was one of the King's soldiers who initially came to arrest her brothers!

It is interesting to see all of the dangerous situations in which Geoffrey and Delia find themselves.  Delia just does not know who she can trust to help fulfill her plan.  Hang on until the final page to see what Geoffrey and Delia are able to accomplish!