July 1, 2022

Dangerous Depths

Dangerous Depths, by Colleen Coble, will take you to a remote location in Hawaii. Leia has come to live among this group of lepers, to use both her medical degree and her knowledge of natural healing to help these forgotten people. Leia’s most important patient is her elderly grandmother!

This is a calm quiet world. Just the way Leia prefers; however, everything begins to change when Bane Ona has a crash landing in the waters near her home. After their engagement failed, Leia is not ready to see Bane again. However, she teams up with him to help him discover who was behind the plane crash!

Bane is not only hunting for the person behind the crash, but also for the location of a treasure that has been hidden in these waters for years. Watch as Bane and Leia enter the depths in their scuba gear, hoping to locate these items. Of course, Bane and Leia will encounter suspicious activity all along the way as they look for answers!

Like so many other Colleen Coble tales, Bane and Leia will experience a major turn of events by the final page!