September 21, 2022

The Last Way Home


The Last Way Home, by Liz Johnson, opens with Eli Ross gingerly coming back to his hometown. He had left eleven years ago to pursue his hockey dreams. Now Eli is returning in disgrace!

Before Eli can even see his family face-to-face, Violet Donaghy, a friend of his mother’s, is giving him a verbal set down for how his long absence has hurt his mother. All he knows is that he has a lot to make up for. The next moment Eli is running into a burning building to save the lives of both his mother and Violet!

After Eli begins repairing his mother’s damaged pottery shop, some faces from his past, that he had hoped to never see again show up out of the blue.  Eli is not sure which way to turn to gather the funds he owes this man.  Before he knows it, his relationships with both Violet and a team of teenage girl hockey plyers seem to add further complications to his world!

There are several questions to answer before the end of this tale.  Will Eli's family step in to save him from these money-hungry thugs who are trying to ruin his life and will Violet be the woman to help Eli change his world?

You will get a surprise glimpse of Marie, Seth, Caden and Adam from Liz Johnson’s earlier tales that took place on Prince Edward Island!