July 25, 2024

Wings of the Morning


Wings of the Morning, by Lori Wick, introduces you to Victoria (Smokey) Simmons as she buries her father in the ocean.  Now Smokey is not sure which way to turn.  All she can do is continue to captain the Aramis, the ship given to her by her beloved father!

Several years later, as you see Smokey meet Jennifer Pemberton, you have no idea how her life is about to change. It is fun to see this new friendship grow.  When Smokey meets Jen’s brother, Captain Dallas Knight, you sense her life will never be the same!

Smokey is automatically drawn toward Dallas; however, she knows she must head back to her ship for her next voyage before things get too complicated.  When Dallas learns that this new friend of his sister’s is actually his primary competition on the high seas, he has no idea what his next step should be.  After Smokey allows Dallas to join her crew on her next voyage, you wonder if he will see a whole new side of Smokey!

You will not believe the situation that arises before the end of this tale.  Will Dallas and Smokey relationship actually survive?