September 16, 2024

The Cloverton Charade


On the opening pages of The Cloverton Charade, by Sarah E. Ladd, you will see Olivia Brannon heading to Cloverton Hall to assist with evaluating their collection of jewelry and gems.  Olivia’s dream of being valued for her professional reputation might finally be coming to fruition.  She knows her life is definitely about to change.  The only difficulty is that the owner of the collection insists that Olivia keep her work a secret!

Lucas Avery, the son of a rival antiquity's seller, has also been invited to the country party being held at Cloverton Hall.  The new owner wants his assistance with selling the family collection.  Unfortunately, this means Lucas will be in direct competition with Olivia!

When Olivia is asked to spy on Lucas to discover what he is up to, she feels it is a step too far.  Before you know it, Lucas has discovered that something shady is going on and he forms a team with Olivia to discover what exactly is going on at Cloverton Hall.  You will be surprised to learn how many familiar faces are involved!

September 11, 2024

The Letter from Briarton Park


The Letter from Briarton Park, by Sarah E. Ladd, is the first book in her The Houses of Yorkshire series.  Cassandra Hale learns that the woman, who had served both as her mother and her employer, has been lying to her.  As this woman lies dying, she gives Cassandra a letter from Robert Clark.  This man indicates he has information to share with her if she can come to his home at Briarton Park.  The letter was dated two and a half years ago!

This is an interesting tale as you follow Cassandra when she seeks to locate Mr. Clark and instead finds an individual who may change her life completely.  Definitely a storyline that will not to be soon forgotten!

September 2, 2024

The Christmas Tree Farm


The Christmas Tree Farm, by Melody Carlson, is a fun novella for the holiday season.  Madison McDowell surprises her sister, Addie, when she suddenly shows up at their family farm. After a lengthy commitment to teach English to students in Mongolia, she is home to help wherever she can.    Unfortunately, Addie does not seem excited that Madison is home!

Gavin Thompson, a face from Madison’s past, suddenly shows up on the scene.  He is now her neighbor and wants to build a motorbike park right next door.  This is the last thing Madison is interested in!

Ever since her first kiss with Gavin when Madison was just fifteen years old, she had not forgotten this man.  However, now her sister, Addie, seems to have an interest in him.  You wonder what will happen by the end of this tale!