September 16, 2024

The Cloverton Charade


On the opening pages of The Cloverton Charade, by Sarah E. Ladd, you will see Olivia Brannon heading to Cloverton Hall to assist with evaluating their collection of jewelry and gems.  Olivia’s dream of being valued for her professional reputation might finally be coming to fruition.  She knows her life is definitely about to change.  The only difficulty is that the owner of the collection insists that Olivia keep her work a secret!

Lucas Avery, the son of a rival antiquity's seller, has also been invited to the country party being held at Cloverton Hall.  The new owner wants his assistance with selling the family collection.  Unfortunately, this means Lucas will be in direct competition with Olivia!

When Olivia is asked to spy on Lucas to discover what he is up to, she feels it is a step too far.  Before you know it, Lucas has discovered that something shady is going on and he forms a team with Olivia to discover what exactly is going on at Cloverton Hall.  You will be surprised to learn how many familiar faces are involved!