Forged in Love, by Mary Connealy, opens with Mariah Stover traveling with father and older brother. The stagecoach is attached by a group of robbers. Unfortunately, after fighting diligently with their own weapons, all three are shot. Mariah is the only one to make it out alive!
Clint Roberts, who owns a diner in town, had been waiting for Mariah to arrive in town. When he learns of the fate of the stagecoach, he heads out to discover Mariah’s fate. Clint finds her trapped under the coach!
Once they transport her to town and discover she is still alive, the sheriff tells a select few that they must hide her away to keep her safe from the robbers. The easiest spot is above Clint’s diner. Once Mariah starts feeling better, she decides to return to her work in her father’s forge. This lets everyone in town know she is still alive. When her first day back in the forge results in an unexpected explosion and after Mariah is bit by a rattlesnake, you think the robbers may be trying to keep her silent!
You wonder if they will ever discover the individual who is behind all these attempts on Mariah’s life!