June 12, 2019

The Heart of a Vicar

I absolutely love everything I have read by Sarah Eden and her latest, The Heart of a Vicar, definitely did not disappoint!

You have been introduced to Harold Jonquil in previous books; however, this tale will present a full tale about his life.  As an older son in the Jonquil clan, Harold has lived a life of ease.  When he selects his livelihood as a town vicar, Harold soon finds himself living on a level of poverty.  As he adjusts how he lives to try to make ends meet, Harold feels like he will never have enough to support a family and thus, will have to proceed through life alone!

When Sarah Sarvol returns to town, Harold finds himself at odds with his former friend.  Harold’s personality has changed from the man Sarah feel in love with years ago.  As you see these former friends banter back and forth, you will see a new friendship developing!

This tale with catch you up on the lives of the entire Jonquil family.  It is fun to learn the state of all of their lives!