Willa takes off to care for the matriarch of the Gresham family of Crestwicke Manor. Once Willa arrives at Crestwicke, she has two goals: first to care for Golda Cresham and next, just as importantly, to discover who is the author of a love letter she found hidden in a desk. Willa's father had received the desk from the Gresham family, as payment for his medical services, so Willa knows the author must exist somewhere is the halls of the Manor!
This is an interesting tale as you get to know all the characters who live at Crestwicke Manor. It is like looking for the right piece to complete a puzzle as you slowly learn new pieces of info about each member of this family. This tale will have a surprise ending and it is definitely worth the read!
I received this book from Revell in exchange for my honest review.