May 16, 2016

The Alliance

On the first pages of Jolina Petersheim's latest novel, The Alliance, you will see Moses Hughes's plane crash in the middle of Leora Ebersole's property.  Leora cannot understand what in the world has just happened.  When the Englischers cars and cellphones stop working as well, the people of this old-order Mennonite community realize that something very serious has occurred!

When Moses finally regains consciousness, his military background tells him that perhaps an EMP has struck the area. Moses begins to encourage this community to form an alliance with the few Englischers in the area to protect their homes from the potential danger that may be coming.  As you watch these two groups of people with very different moral backgrounds attempt to work together, you have no idea what will happen!

What will Leora and Moses do when they discover that someone within their community is actively working against them?  What actions will the leaders of this community decide to take when they learn that a large gang of thieves is headed their way?  Finally, how will Leora respond when she looks into her father's eyes again, years after he abandoned his family!

This was an interesting tale with an ending that you will never expect!

I received this book from Tyndale House Publishers in exchange for my unbiased review